I prefer my man to cheat with real woman, not with sex doll — Bukola Olatunji

Lithe and gracefully built Yoruba actress, Bukola Olatunji doesn’t like making her private affairs public for reasons best known to her.

But the issue of sex dolls being the new other woman to most women in romantic relationships is one that has forced her to make her intimate opinion concerning the issue known.

The actress declared that she prefers her man to cheat on her with real person than cheat with a sex doll.

Bukola Olatunji

“I never wished for a man that will cheat on me when I get married but if I end up with one with cheating genes in his blood, I would prefer him to cheat on me with a human being than with an object. The reason is simple, it is just inhuman to have sex with an object. Sex dolls are inanimate objects, as far as I am concerned,” she declared.

Bukola Olatunji who has produced two films of her own, namely; Ife Inu Mi and Ini Oluwa, also explains why many actors would go to any length to produce their own films ahead of featuring in others’ films. 

“Everybody wants to be a super hero and being independent is becoming a norm in every part of the world, so making your own film gives you a sort of independence. It is the only way you can truly promote yourself and tell your stories in your own way.

It is a chance everyone has to take since there are no laws restricting anyone from doing so,” she said, while observing that making movies is not an easy task.
