Fast rising actress, Nneka Adams advises husbands

Beautiful fast rising actress Nneka Adams who is known for her always deep and wisdom oriented caption on social media dished out some words of advice to Husbands via her Instagram handle @nnekaadams as usual.

below in her words;

Husbands.... There’s nothing that threatens the security of a wife than the thought of another woman competing for the attention and affection of her husband. Nothing is more painful. Nothing is more disrespecting. Nothing is more insulting. Nothing is more belittling and degrading. .Every wife needs to know that she is still number one in your life. She needs to know that there is no competitor or contender for her privileged position in your heart. She needs to know that you will continue to choose her above all others daily. .You may have told her a million times that you love her. You may have told her ten times yesterday that “I love you.” But she needs to be reminded today and every day that you love her even if you think that she already knows that you do. Cherish her daily above all others..Hope am communicating clearly?. #nnekaadams#stillme#UniqueAndMagnificent#ILoveTheKindOfPersonThatIAm

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