Life and career of Mercy Obaka... Nollywood actress and philanthropist

Mercy Obaka

From a sales girl to a big Nollywood actress and producer...

Born December 15th 1989, Mercy Obaka hails from Udu Local Government Area of Delta State (South-South) Nigeria.

The gorgeous Nollywood star is from a family of 7 and a graduated of Dorben Poly (2014), she went on to her compulsory national service in 2014/15.

Young and beautiful Miss Obaka is a hard working lady as seen in the days of her education, she would work as a sales girl and marketer to earn a genuine dignified living. As sexy and pretty as she is, unlike others she refused to toll the line of girls depending solely on their parents and boyfriends to pay school fees and other bills.

From a sales girl to a big Nollywood actress and producer...

Mercy Obaka who is also the chief executive officer (c.e.o) of Mercy Obaka Films with head office in Abuja have acted in Soul Mate, Bank Job, If You Please, Please Marry Me, Impulse, Grace, Single Only In Abuja, Lost Pride, Tripod, Sex and Love etc.

Some of the movies she has produce and acted include Impulse, Grace, Tomorrow, A Toast To Heartbreak and so many others but just to mention few. Click here to watch a clip from her last set.

In a chat with @nollywoodonset recently, the screen goddess confessed she is really enjoying her career as top producers are now gunning for her, the pretty doll added "Never I will never stop" when we ask if she was thinking of quitting acting anytime soon.


It will be recur that Mercy Obaka was recently rumored to have been endorse as the image of Akpoyibo Green Foundation, the signing which mark her second endorsement in her career so far..

The kind hearted damsel who as the image of Akpoyibo Green Foundation is passionate about the foundation's resolution to light up all rural dwellers and schools by donating clean energy solar lamps to them through their empowerment programme tag ONE CHILD ONE SOLAR LANTERN.


By so doing the beautiful Nollywood actress believe will eradicate energy poverty in Nigeria.

Not to forget that the humble actress is also the image of Emzrel Care Foundation, a not for profit organization focus on assisting prisoner with little of no help.


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