Guys get scared of me, actress Priscilla Austine cries out

NollywoodOnSet yesterday played host to fast rising actress Priscilla Austine. The beautiful screen diva who is a graduate of Delta state university revealed more than you can think of. relax and enjoy our chat with her below.

Priscilla Austine

NOS: Hi Priscilla

Priscilla: Hi

NOS: So we understand your busy schedules, thanks for accepting to talk with us.

Priscilla: You're welcome

NOS: We ask for this interview cuz rumours fly and we cut one saying you secretly wedded last week Saturday, what do you have to say about this?

Priscilla: Lol! For real? I wish I did. But there was no wedding. It's only a rumour.

NOS: Ok. Are you saying you wish you we're married? Can you be more emphatic?

Priscilla: Yea I wish the rumors were true (both laughed).

NOS: Let's talk career, Or would you like to tell us why marriage now instead of your career?

Priscilla: I can do both. I can be married while still focused in my career

NOS: Hmmm ok, You must be strong then.

Priscilla: Yes I

NOS: Tell us about your journey so far?

Priscilla: It hasn't been rosy but we don't complain. We give thanks. I believe everything will fall into place soon with God by my side.

NOS: Wow! that's inspiring, I mean lots of people won't keep up the spirit, how do you do it?

Priscilla: My passion for the job is my motivation. That's what keeps me going, quitting has never been my thing.

NOS: Wow, Can you lead us into you personal life?

Priscilla: What would you like to know?

NOS: Like when you are not on set what do? What you eat? A lucky dude to spend your time with..?

Priscilla: Hmmmmm, Lol! Well I'm not really a foodie. And about a guy I spend time .... I don't really have anyone at the moment. Had my own fair share of heart break recently. And I'm not ready to go into another relationship for now. Just want to focus on my career with no distractions.

NOS: Oops sorry dear, dude must be a shareholder in a mining industry (both laughs). Okay joke apart so sorry about that. Focusing on your career where do you see yourself in 3 years? But you certainly should give love a try when it comes again.

Priscilla: Hmmmm, In a place I've always dreamed to be. Be a role model to upcoming acts and to my daughter as well.

NOS: Daughter???

Priscilla: Yes daughter, I've a 6 years old girl.

NOS: Care to tell us more about your little munchkin?

Priscilla: 5 sorry (squirms) She'll be 6 by June 8, Her name is Hanniel. Had her while still in the Uni. She's brilliant and smart like her momma (beautiful smiles).

NOS: Awww my goodness (in admiration). How come about your Passion for acting? why not law? medicine? What what actually inspired you?

Priscilla: I've had passion for acting since I was a kid. Growing up and watching Genevieve motivated me. I remember I'd stand in front of the mirror acting, lol. Hahaha. I've always wanted to showcase my talent. And thank God I'm finally here. Even if I'm not where I wanna be but I'm getting there gradually.

NOS: Glory to God. What did you study in school?

Priscilla: I studied Fine And Applied Art at Delta State Uni.

NOS: Tell us about yourself family wise and origin.

Priscilla: Well my dad is from Anambra State while mum is from Delta, From a polygamous family of 10.

NOS: Permit us to call you a national breed (both laugh). Haha haha sorry we play too much here. Wow you are a real representation of strength.

Priscilla: Thank you.

NOS: What your fans might be asking now is how come is so difficult to make it into film industry and here you are... What can you say about this? Luck or grace?

Priscilla: It's grace my dear. Cause it's not easy. Well in my own case Grace found me.... lol.

NOS: Earlier you said you aren't a foodie and no bae so how do you spend your quiet time reading or...?

Priscilla: I spend my quiet time listening to good music, And workout. And sometimes I watch acting tutorials on YouTube.

NOS: Wow your life is so so fascinating.

Priscilla: You think?

NOS: Yea

Priscilla: It's mostly boring.

NOS: Okay can you be more specific?

Priscilla: No friends to hangout with. No boyfriend to take me on vacations (goofing), Even when I go out hoping to make new friends, People don't approach me.

NOS: Lie! Really, why?

Priscilla: Maybe they feel I already have all the friends I need.

NOS: No you are kidding right?

Priscilla: I'm not joking, People get scared or shy to even say hi.

NOS: Argh! As beautiful, simple and smart as you? No say something else pulees.

Priscilla: Lol I knew you'd say that, But it's the truth. When I go out, No n*gga walks up to me. They just admire from afar, Some say hi from a distance.

NOS: It's understandable that people get scared of actors but not even ten in a month? Stop lying jor.

Priscilla: Lol But I'm serious tho, Only the courageous ones walk up to me.

NOS: You know a lot of actors complain of this, well that's the industry we have. Africans thinking someone on screen can not be lonely. What is your most embarrassing moment as an actor and a person.

Priscilla: Hahahahaha Thinking of it alone makes me laugh, Went out on a Sunday to see a movie. A girl ran up to me screaming, She said she's been looking forward to the day she'd see me in person, People were staring. She said she wanted to take a pic with me. She got closer and was like ooooops!!! Sorry I thought it was Nadia Buari (both burst out in laughter). It was so embarrassing.

NOS: Jeezz! You can imagine.

Priscilla: It was really embarrassing.

NOS: After you don already plan the posture and autograph for head finish, Lol Nigerians. But you like alike though you are prettier.

Priscilla: Lies (sheepishly)

NOS: If you we're to come in this world again fresh up what would you avoid?

Priscilla: I would avoid wasting my time with people who don't add value to my life. Time wasted with the wrong people slow you down in the the journey of life. I need all the speed I can to get there.

NOS: Wisdom gained. Finally any words of encouragement for the young ones?

Priscilla: My words of encouragement to them would be, No matter what happens, quitting shouldn't be an option. Keep pushing and Grace will find you like it found me. I love you all (heart).

NOS: Hmmm crying, Your words are touching, some of us are too emotional.

Priscilla: It's ok, Cry if that's how u can let it all out. Life's too short.

NOS: You are so strong and determined.

Priscilla: Awwww! Thank you, so much for giving me this privilege to tell you a part of me.

NOS: Thanks for your time, We appreciate it.

Priscilla: You're welcome guys, thank you.


  1. One of my favorites.....miss Priscilla I can't wait to see you in person ...such a distinct personality..... God bless you ma'am

  2. Keep going girl, you'll get there. Love you kid sist

  3. Jesus and she is from Delta too. my sister you are beautiful

  4. Lovely lady, i and my friends spoke about her recently hence I went to google about her, anyone knows her Instagram handle ?


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