INTERVIEW: Meet Adibeli Ify the next big deal in Nollywood

NOLLYWOODONSET: Ify Adibeli, what a rare name, tell us more...
ADIBELI IFY: my name is Ifeoma Faith Adibeli, popularly known as Ify Adibeli, I am from Delta State, born into a family of 6, I am the first child in my family. I was born in Agbor, Delta state. I had my Primary and Secondary education here in Lagos, and furthered to National Open University of Nigeria. I am presently an active Model and a creative Actor.

NOLLYWOODONSET: Acting! Every youth today wants to act. Tell us more about your journey thus far.
ADIBELI IFY: I started acting at the age of 16, after my graduation from Secondary School, it all started after I played the role of a daughter in a movie titled "Sister Elizabeth Tears" featuring big names like Oge Okoye, Fredrick Leonard, Joyce Kalu, Charles Billion, Daniel Lloyd and others. Consequently, after being paid I thought of making more money from this talent. The money was actually my inspiration, it funny but, that was it😜 (we all laugh). I stick myself that's why i am special, I don't try to be like others, or act like others.

NOLLYWOODONSET: How was it like being on set for the first time
IFY ADIBELI: I felt happy acting with celebrities, but it was a very tiring one at first, I didn't get it right, but later I became used to the camera, it was an awesome experience for me.

NOLLYWOODONSET: You were recently featured in a movie titled "FLASH OF PAIN" tell us more about the movie and the character you played.
IFY ADIBELI: The movie is all about a promiscuous woman, who did all sort of rubbish for money, she want into prostitution at the age of ten and gave birth to children here and there with excuse of looking for a male child, time pass and she gets old and sick, she wants to get her children together, not knowing who is who, they are all flashes of pain to her. I played the twin character of Nneka and Nnenna, twin to lady Hilda williams, Nneka lived with her uncle Jueseh, while Nnenna grew up with her Aunt, they grew up not liking each other. Nnenna fell in love with Ebube, Lady Hilda's adopted son.

NOLLYWOODONSET: when are we expecting the movie to be officially release
ADIBELI IFY: By God's grace, it will be out before the end of June. So expectations should be towards June this year.

NOLLYWOODONSET: Any challenges so far?
ADIBELI IFY:  None that I've seen for now, for every one that has come, God has been faithful and has helped me so far.

NOLLYWOODONSET: What future do you envisage for Adibeli Ify in the African motion picture industry.
ADIBELI IFY: I see myself going far, I want to be able to own a production and be a star maker.

NOLLYWOODONSET: Can you say you are lucky considering your fast rise in the Nigeria cinema?
ADIBELI IFY: Yes, I can say that. It has been God all the way, i don't think I act better than others out there but it's his grace that has kept me moving forward.

NOLLYWOODONSET: Any reservation about Nollywood industry?

NOLLYWOODONSET: Any special comment for your fans?
ADIBELI IFY: I want to thank everyone out there my fans, family, friends and loved ones without you people there is no me. Please look out for my next movie, by the special grace of God I'll be producing my movie. I love you all and God bless your endeavours.


  1. Awwww..can't believe she z an agbor girl..God bless you sis😙


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