EXCESS LUGGAGE Hits Cinemas 20th October

Excess Luggage is a comic but creative movie is one that will keep you on the edge of your seat in cinemas from the beginning till it ends. It is one that you would enjoy. Make it a date come 20th October 2017 when it will open in all Nigerian cinemas for a treat you will never forget.

It is a compelling story of Douglas and Enyinnaya, two cousins separated by physical distance and financial status. On a road trip from village to the metropolitan city of Lagos Enyinnaya and his archaic wife Ugomma and son encounter a breakdown in their car and decide to stop over at Douglas’s estate for a visit that turns everyone’s life upside down.

On this visit, Enyinnaya and his family would encounter Douglas’s aristocratic wife Bianca, an upper class lady furiously irritated by the presence of the villagers and their lifestyle. The Enyinna’s would encounter Andrew, Bianca’s girlish assistant who joins forces with his boss to ensure the disappearance of the Enyinnayas’.

Georgina Douglas’s strict assistant, a nerdy lady who is secretly and unrequitedly in love with her boss, uses this opportunity to push her boss. On this same visit, Enyinnaya and his family would insist on living the archaic lifestyle they understand best in a 21st century environment that they know nothing about with Douglas and his family fighting to maintain the sanity and serenity of an estate long inherited.

The highly acclaimed and anticipated movie the year 2017 stars IK Ogbonna, Nikky Ufondu, Queen Nwokoye, Mike Ezuruonye, Denrele Edun, Lisa Omoridion, Fred Amata and Shaffy Bello.
