Domestic violence: Actress Juliet Mgborukwe, husband fight on Instagram

Juliet Mgborukwe
[Photo credit: Official Instagram page of Juliet Mborukwe]

Nollywood Actress, Juliet Mgborukwe, and her estranged husband, Chima Ojukwu, have engaged themselves in a war of words on Instagram.

Trouble began after the actress announced on Instagram that she was filing for a divorce due to alleged domestic violence.

She also shared photos showing the bruises her husband allegedly inflicted on her on Instagram on July 6.

Her husband also took to Instagram to tell his own side of the story. He also shared a video of his famous wife allegedly attacking him at their home. He alleged that his wife had been engaging in extramarital affairs and was very violent.

The lengthy post on Tuesday, partly read, “For years this woman have been lying using domestic violence as a shade to her Nigerian bloggers well hear the truth now and nothing but the truth cause I’ve had it, not that I owe anyone an explanation but I want the truth out there and if I run out on this tittle please continue reading on the video itself, now carefully observe this video who’s the aggressor here.

“This woman claimed I beat her up everyday of her life, does the woman you see in this video look scared at all? Now this was everyday of my life, she wanted to go do her thing after she got a green card from me, she wanted to go get her own job place and live her life, I said so now you got a green card is time to leave so you never came for.”

Juliet met her U.S.-based husband in September 2011, and within a week, they were engaged. They had their introduction September 29 and were married traditionally by October 4of the same year.

A white wedding was scheduled to take place in January in the U.S. but it never held.

A few months later, Juliet changed her FB status from married to single. After months of keeping mum about what really happened, Juliet granted an interview revealing that her marriage ended a few months after it was contracted.

In 2014 the couple decided to give their marriage a second shot with Juliet moving to the U.S. to join her husband.

The couple welcomed their first child, a son, in 2015 and in 2017; they welcomed the second child, a daughter at a hospital in the U.S.

A Nollywood starlet, Juliet’s movie credits include “Baby”, “Ifunnaya” and “Priceless.
