KASVID: How People Kill Others’ Dreams pt.4

KASVID: How People Kill Others’ Dreams 4.
By Tai Emeka Obasi

Sometime in October, 2017, I met with my late friend. The great movie marketer/producer lamented that Yul Edochie’s interest in running for governorship position had completely grounded any idea of premiering The Last Kidnap.
I just gaped at him.

“Governor’s aides are saying why should Yul who acted the governor in the movie suddenly declare interest to run for same office?’’ Kasvid continued in his very calm manner.
“And how did you respond?”
“How would I have responded? Are they not speaking the truth?”

I stood in anger, “so you of all people could swallow this bait? Come on Kas, you’re far more intelligent than that. For a start, this movie should have been premiered at least six months before Yul declared his intentions to run, isn’t it?”

“It is but…’’ he tried to advance his conviction.
But I cut him short, “what is wrong in Yul exercising his democratic rights as onye Anambra? Because he acted a movie? Let me tell you, if the governor’s team are thinking well, they should use Yul’s intention and the movie to great advantage of the governor’s in this election.”

“That after Yul saw deeply how good the governor had done via the movie story and walking around very safe in the state he’s now very interested in making it real,” I countered.
“Tai you don’t understand how these people think.”
“On the contrary I do. I told you they were hawks. They do not believe in your dream to project Anambra State. They only assumed you smartly made this movie to extort money from the governor. And they are only making you suffer for it.”

Kas had really suffered at this stage. So, he swallowed hard, momentarily silent.
“They want to now set you up against Yul, against ourselves, when the young man did absolutely nothing wrong. You should have used that moment to tell them why you made the movie. You should have told them it wasn’t all about praising Gov. Obiano, rather to tell both foreign and local investors that our dear state is safe, very safe, to do business in. You should have told them the different locations we used in Anambra were to tell the world how far our state had gone in development instead of swallowing the bait that Yul was now a clog blocking your access to the movie premiere.” I drove home.

Kas sighed deeply, confusion written all over him. He was rarely, if ever, confused.

I told him further that I had been live on two occasions where Yul participated in governorship debates and the young man gave a very good account of himself. That since Nigerians are yarning for youths, Yul rose up to it and showcased courage.

‘’Applaud the young man and vomit that line, hook and sinker they made you swallow,’’ I admonished.
‘’Tai you don’t understand only because you were not privy to what transpired in this regard,’’ Kas shifted forward.

‘’Then educate me.’’
‘’There’s nothing I didn’t beg Yul to drop this ambition to run since it became clear to me that it is the only excuse now stopping the premiere. I even went to meet his father, Pete Edochie to help beg him. But I don’t know what is wrong with Yul. It’s like the devil is using him to punish me after having gotten this far,’’ Kas further lamented.
‘’Is it truly that serious?’’ I asked for something to say.

‘’Worse. Call Hollywood and he’ll tell you better. This movie’s premiere could have happened before coming election if Yul didn’t come up with this crazy idea.’’ My friend concluded.
Even though in my simple way of appraising things I didn’t see anything wrong in Yul contesting, but in his shoes, I would have buried the idea for my friend’s sake, knowing what Kasvid went through making the movie. But Yul is an adult who takes responsibility for his actions.

The next and last time I saw and discussed with my friend was about two weeks after the election. After Gov. Obiano and APGA celebrated victory. And after Yul decamped to APGA.
He was wearing the latest Chelsea jersey on a black pair of jeans. We met by the pool bar of DeGeogold Hotel.

“So, now that Yul has decamped to your party what again will your friends tell you about the movie premiere?” I began.
“The damage has already been done,” Kas said firmly.

“Forget that and stop lamentations 101. Call Yul, talk it over and laugh it over. Tell him he must be deeply involved now to get the premiere he momentarily stopped going again.” I added.
Whether he called Yul or not, only Yul can say.
But we went on to discuss about the movie premiere. My friend lamented that most of the people he borrowed from were now doubting whatever he told them, wondering further why he hadn’t paid them back. That for the first time in his life, he was disappointing with his financial promises.

I advised him to go to his friends he borrowed from to play the movie with his laptop. At least they would believe he truly made a movie on his state governor’s achievement in Security. To which he responded he already did show to most of them.
‘’What wrong did I do to Uzu?’’ he lamented further.

“Kas why don’t you forget this government people? Put this movie in the market. God has a way of compensating honest hard work,” I chipped in.
“Tai, it’s because you don’t know what is happening in the movie market. The market is so terrible now that I’m afraid of toeing that line despite how good the movie is. And where would that leave me? Without an elaborate premiere I’m cooked because this movie was elaborately made to be premiered.  As we speak what has gone into this movie is around N40 million.”
I shook my head, “still, instead of waiting endlessly for Uzu’s green light, we can use the movie as reference point and approach others we have lined out for movies on them.”

“So what will I tell those I borrowed from? Tai as we speak, I don’t know how to bring my family home for Christmas. They have never spent Christmas outside Neni before. They look forward to coming home to watch masquerades that there’s no way to deny them that. But as we speak they could he denied for the first time in their lives.

“Beyond that, I don’t know how to pay their school fees by January, something that has never been a worry for me since I became a family man,” Kasvid was touching deep nerves.
I sighed deeply. I wasn’t faring any better but my friend never lamented to me in such low spirits since I knew him.

Yes, everybody says Kasvid was a good man.
But what did they know about him?
You know a man when you go into deep business relationship with him, make some joint money together in more than six ventures, share it peacefully without a third party hearing about it.
You know a man when his wife calls you to discuss deep issues, which you pick up with your friend, talk to him and he takes your advice.

You know a man when two of you come to Awka for business that you planned for two weeks, end up spending more weeks and you were running low on cash, then you decide to abandon good restaurant for mama put and even decide to share one room in order to manage until you conclude what you came for.

You know a man when you sleep on same bed, discuss your dreams deep into the night, argue about them, learn from mistakes, amend them and wake up stronger.

I was involved with Kasvid in all these and I can hit my chest hard to proclaim I knew him almost as much as he knew himself and vice versa.
I am very qualified to tell anyone that my late friend, Chukwuka Emelionwu was a very good man, a great husband and father, a wonderful son to an aged mother, a very good brother, cousin, uncle, nephew etc. and above all, a great friend.

About a week before he died, he called me from Lagos, telling me that our next movie after the premiere could be on Chief Tony Enukeme, CEO Tonimas. Could I prepare a synopsis and a movie proposal, detailing the essence of making a movie on him?

He added he had held discussion with him and was instructed to drop the proposal with Tonimas’ manager.

We had earlier tried to make a movie that would specifically market White Castle, the Neni-based hotel to visitors to Anambra State. Somehow that hasn’t clicked.

So we agreed Kas would take the proposal on the weekend starting from January 19, 2018. He hinted me, with some excitement in his voice, that there are new developments regarding the premiere that he would discuss with me when he came to Awka. I probed and he confirmed it was a positive development. I said amen and waited for his coming.

He called me on January 16th morning being Tuesday and asked me how far, if you ever discussed with Kas on phone the first question he would ask is, “how far?”
I told him fine and that the synopsis and proposal would be ready by weekend. But I knew I would be engaged throughout the week and struggled to get the stuff ready that Tuesday in readiness for my friend by Friday or Saturday. It’s still in my laptop!
So you could imagine when Chris McCool Nwosu called to tell me, somebody called to say Kas had a bad accident by Oraukwu Grammar School on night of Wednesday the 17th. I told him Kas couldn’t be in Anambra that Wednesday night.
But I had to confirm. I made calls. The one person I should have immediately confirmed from is his wife but in such circumstances I dared not call her.

I called Mr. Hollywood. He didn’t pick because he was in the church. So, I called Kas’ younger brother, Nonso, the CEO of Future King, a moviemaker too and good friend of mine, who I had written top notch movies for also. He confirmed Kas left for East that morning.
So I called all three of his numbers – Etisalat rang and a Rev Father picked and told me to come to GUO Hospital in Adazi, that my friend had a terrible accident and they’re taking him to the hospital.

I rushed over to Adazi from Awka and met him dead. It was like a dream. I prayed to wake up but couldn’t. It was no movie either.
It was very real.
Okpanku, as he was also widely known, was lying dead!

I shouted at him that he should get up from that ugly stretcher but he didn’t respond.
And the hospital erupted into a crying competition. Friends were trooping in from nearby Neni. I never met anybody who had as many friends as Kasvid. Whoever that could make it to his burial would confirm.

Now, Kas never lied to me. So when he told me weekend, he meant weekend. What would make him leave Lagos by Wednesday morning without giving me a hint even after discussing with me on Tuesday?

Alowonle Suleiman, a graphic artist based in Lagos, who called McCool about the accident said Kas came to him to print copies of the Last Kidnap posters very late Tuesday night following the early morning he travelled from Lagos.
Putting two and two together made me conclude that something that transpired on Tuesday must have pushed him to come East earlier than scheduled. And nothing would have made that if not the The Last Kidnap premiere.

Discussing with Ifeanyi Ikpoenyi, I uncovered that Tonimas had agreed to personally take him to the governor to present the premiere plans to His Excellency directly. Was it that the appointment was suddenly brought forward earlier than weekend or that he needed to meet with Tonimas to show him the movie before weekend?
Only Kas would have told me or the wife, who I haven’t yet brought myself together to call. I should be consoling her and not the other way round. I haven’t even been to his Neni home. I haven’t got myself together yet to meet his mother. His mother is from Amakwa Neni. Amakwa Neni migrated from Amakwa Ozubulu. So I usually call his mother, Adanne (elder sister) and she responds with obele nwanne m (my younger brother). How could I meet her without breaking down in tears?
Now, almost every call I receive ends up that our dream should never die. Now, hear this…

We entered a bar about four years ago in Awka. The bartender served Kas Heineken and served me Hero as we both ordered. We both used to have Heineken as preferred brand. The bartender made to open the drinks but my friend stopped him.

“TaI, is it because Anambra Di M N’Obi project has reduced us to all-time financial low that you’ve lowered your taste?” even the bartender joined in the laughter, and even more when Kas added, “don’t worry Tai, I’m still paying,” and to the bartender, “get him Heineken.”

As the bartender tried to take the Hero away, I stopped him, looked directly at my friend, “Kas, let me tell you,  1. Hero is the nearest brew to Heineken and it’s almost 50% cheaper. 2. For the first time, I’m consuming a brand, knowing that my little contribution is adding something to the development of my dear state,” and I turned to the bartender, “you wait, let’s see who will change his brand.”

Kas said to the bartender, “for the second reason, get me Hero.”

And from that moment both of us stamped Hero as our new brand. That was the passion we followed everything about Anambra.
So when people insist the dream must not die, I ask, who is that man, that marketer/producer that has the same passion? Who can step in to pursue the dream, where he/she could have been dancing all through the night in a night club while Kas and I slept and dreamt together?
It’s not going to be easy folks. I will try to look around, hoping to find somebody near enough. Otherwise, I will just write all in books, dedicating each edition to my late friend.
Now, Kasvid left behind a wife and three children. His wife is a wonderful woman. Part of the reason why Kas and I dreamt as far as we did is having two wonderful women as wives. They supported us wholeheartedly, advised and cautioned where appropriate.

Kas was giving his kids the best of education. The eldest is in JSS 2. He planned to see them through the best of university education.
I call on Tonimas to still take Kas’ wife(after the burial) and the very key player/s that was/were deeply involved with every process of making the movie, The Last Kidnap to the governor to present the premiere plans. I believe His Excellency knows what to do to see to the premiering. I believe it’s not too much to ask for a patriot who died on duty.
Kas’ wife is a chartered accountant. I’m sure all she’ll be living for is having this movie premiered as her dear husband and bread winner pursued until his terrible end. And, of course, she would love those Kasvid was owing to be paid and equally still keep her three lovely children in respective schools, see them to respective graduation in the university as Kas intended.

And whether Yul is reading this or not, he must brace up to contribute his quota towards making certain the premiere of this great movie sees the light of the day and very soon.
I beg God to give me the strength and ability to stay close enough to the family and be able to attend all the children’s graduation ceremonies.
Dear God, please receive my friend in the part of your kingdom reserved for good men. In the next world I’d still choose him as a friend. And even if there may be no making of movies that time, we’d certainly dream something else together.
Adieu Kas, a great friend.

(Photo: Kasvid and I flanking the governor on the day we heard his name for the first time, visited his house in Aguleri and met with him on Sunday, Audust 4, 2013 - 22 days to APGA Guber primaries).
