Hollywood actor Michael Douglas Gets Out Front Of Potential Harassment

Michael Douglas. (Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images)

Groundbreaking journalism that exposed decades old accusations of sexual harassment and sexual assault beginning with Harvey Weinstein has ended the careers of a growing list of powerful Hollywood men. In most cases, the only sympathy went towards women (and a few men) who were forced to swallow the shame of sordid deeds kept secret for years until they courageously came forward. As journos look for the next men to expose, some have wondered how far all this will go, or what happens when one of those men is adamant he didn’t do it. After all, few of these stories have been accompanied by police reports, DNA evidence or criminal prosecutions.

After a storied 50 year career as actor and producer that includes two Oscars, Michael Douglas finds himself accused of something tawdry he said that he didn’t do: masturbate in.... continue at DEADLINE

Photo credit: Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images
