I have never been under pressure to cook for my husband – Joke Silva

 Veteran actress, Joke Silva had a chat with Sunday scoop and she described her home as unconventional. “My husband loves to cook, so I have never been under pressure to be the chef in the house. I cook, he cooks and a chef cooks too. The most important thing is to get food into the stomach. “I have my ways of doing things and he has his too. However, in the early years, this caused friction and tension between us,” she said.

On retirement, she said  inasmuch as her husband is 75 years old and he hasn’t stopped acting, and Hubert Ogunde was about 86-year-old when he featured in Heart of Darkness, who is she to think of retiring soon.

She stated, “I am very lucky to belong to an industry that doesn’t recognise retirement. It allows for longevity and I intend to take full advantage of it. I will continue to act, produce and do every other thing that gives me joy until atrophy sets in. I still hope to create long-running theatre shows. I hope to impact more lives.”
