Why SAND CASTLE is a must see in cinemas

The much anticipated movie finally commence show in Nigerian cinemas nationwide, in it just two days of engagement there have been lots of positive remarks from fans who have watched the film, this inspired our article. While some just say it was awesome and worth the wait others express their pain and sympathy for Sylvia Edem’s character Timi, who is visually impaired.

SAND CASTLE showing schedule

SAND CASTLE is an emotionally thriller, it tells the story of Ayade (48) tall and intelligent, one you would call a perfect gentlemen. He falls in love with a beautiful visually impaired Timi who is in her late (20s). They become what you will also refer to as ‘perfect couple’ until they arrival of a curvy Esosa (30s). Will this perfect combo succumb to any infiltration or an undue advantage? Will Timi's condition be her Achilles hill or her SAND CASTLE?

Whatever is the answer this movie is certainly a must see. Its educative, it an eye opener. SAND CASTLE stars Charles Okocha, Mary Uranta, Shirley Igwe, Bassey Okon, Sylvia Edem and Wale Ojo.
A Sylvia Edem film

A 50th Film Academy and E.S Production Movie.

Sylvia Edem
