This is a story about a girl (Nse) who against her will is trafficked to a francophone African Hotel (Hotel Choco) where she gets laid and paid. To a level the only two words she knows now is sex and money. Amidst the rain of pain and shame she suffered the aftermath with sexually transmitted diseases VVF as the fear of death becomes her closest companion. She and her co-girls trafficked are made to sleep with dogs and other animals. Every passing day every moment hour minutes and seconds present opportunities to erase the memories with death and just when they think its over...

Samabasa Nzeribe, Femi Branch, Tamara Eteimo, Mary Uranta,  Degri  Emmanuel, Diane Chukwu  and Eyke  Idebilo

Produce and Directed by Edward Uka
For LA Bongoz Media

Hotel Choco coming your way soon. Anticipate this one.
