Actress Uchenna Nnanna is back with a banger movie

New movie Alert! New movie Alert!! New movie Alert!!!  Actress Uchenna Nnanna Maduka who took a break from acting to have her baby  is back, but this time not just as an actress but as a movie producer. Uche is back with a bang! Ohhhhh yes and a big one at that.  The mother of one is raising the bar as she joins the movie production click in Nollywood. Watch out for her debut production titled BOND OF BONDAGE

It Stars your favourite Nollywood delights like Mike Ezuruonye, Eve Esin, Emeka Amakaeze, Uchenna Nnanna Maduka, Steve Eboh, Chineyere Wilfred, Mary Igwe, Macarthy Nnamani and others. This well told story which is screen played by Emeka Amakaeze and directed by Nonso Emekaekwue will be hitting  your screens soonest. It's a must watch for every home. It's thought provoking and an eye opener. Fasten your seat belt as you are about to see a story with a difference. Young people take decision without knowing it's implication. Think twice before embarking on that journey of no return. Stay glued to your seat as every scene teaches you a life lesson. Be wise.

watch the video trailer here
