MINÉÉ The Sultry Action Movie You Shouldn’t Miss This Weekend

With high expectations we all lined up to watch the critically acclaimed MINÉÉ movie. Seated in the beautiful dark hall of Ebonylife Cinema was a crowd of excited people, beyond the smiles one could clearly tell expectations were high.

For many ROI fans, it wasn’t just the anticipated of another ROI (Richard Omos Iboyi) film, it was the top notch eye rolling technical action sequence we all saw in the trailer. We couldn’t wait to see it.

As the movie began it became clear that we all weren’t eating nor drinking the popcorn and soda every seat had, reason? Our attention were all glue to the big screen and nothing was going to take a second out of this moment.

As expected the multi award winning director Richard took us through an intense journey of suspense, action, love, romance, gangster, drug, tears and happiness.

Richard Omos Iboyi “ROI”

The story of Minéé and her elder sister Onome will touch anyone who has been through life happenance but the triumph will also remind you of just how strong you are if can keep up the fight.

Kudos to the executive producers Abiola Obadina and Kezy Kome, the director Richards Omos Iboyi and the entire team of this amazing production. 

MINÉÉ is a must see, it is opening in all Nigerian cinemas from 3rd November (this week Friday) be sure to see it.

Kator Inyon premiere guest
