Accent faking: You don't need to sound like creatures or speak through your nostrils to be able to communicate - Actress Chizzy Faithia Anokwuru


So, earlier yesterday we hosted the beautiful, talented fast rising Nollywood actress Chizzy Faithia Anokwuru. As y'all already know us we've got lots of spicy gist. Read our chat with the gorgeous damsel below.

NOS: Hi Faithia,  please can you tell us more about yourself?

Chizzy: My name is CHIZZY Fathia Anokwuru, I'm from in Imo state, am the  first daughter and the first issue of a family of four, I'm very peaceful being lol.

NOS: How did you get into NOLLYWOOD as an actress?

Chizzy: I started acting 2011, though I have been on and off, cause I do some other side biz. I started doing  theaters (plays), when I moved to Lagos 2013 from Ghana then few years later, I think 2015 or so, I went with a friend to a movie location in Asaba (P COLLINS PRODUCTION) & was opportune to do my first screen job. Though acting has always been my dreams, I have always known my dreams will surely come through, so when I got that opportunity i grabbed it. The compliments I got from the director and other artists was just like, it stirred up my passion for acting the more, so I said to myself 'YOO CHIZZY you can do this' (smiles) and I have been doing it ever since.

NOS: You mentioned starting off with theatres? can you shed more light on that please?

Chizzy: I became known  on  stage 2014 when I did this popular (stage play) titled MYOPIA, it was Written and directed by Chidimma Uzodike (CIMABRAWN ENTERTAINMENT). I was on set with Stan Nze, played Sub-led, I have ever since been working with her, Oxygen Concept and some couple of known Filmmakers. The journey hasn't been easy though, but it's good and rewarding.


NOS: Interesting, you must be talented to get into the industry that easy.

Chizzy: Hahahahaa ohh yes, but it wasn't easy o. Who  ever said that, it's just by the grace of God o.

NOS:  Okay. Care to tell us how you got your spotless glowing skin?

Chizzy: lol Wow! Errhm! Actually is nothing too much though, i just eat healthy, drink a lot of water, take more of fruits, veggies, then I use good skin products (ORGANICS) also, I go to the spa once in a while and I make sure i get enough sleep. I do keep fit too, once in a while (winks), You know. All these has a lot to do to your body.

NOS: Hmmm that's interesting, how do you manage to shuttle these in the face of your engaging acting career?

Chizzy: Wow! it's been God all the way my dear like I said earlier, it's only by God's grace, determination too does a lot, once you are determined, ask God for his grace to scale through, cause this acting is a demanding job, very demanding. You'll have to do almost everything in a limited time, so your skin need be on point. You need to maintain a good looking glowing skin like mine (winks and smiles) and stay in good shape. You don't need to appear on camera looking all worn out nah, do You? So if you put all this into consideration, you'll surely try your best, no matter how little, to look good.


NOS: So what do you think about the Nigerian film industry? especially with  the current trend of accent.

Chizzy: Well the Nigerian film industry (NOLLYWOOD) is globally recognized as the second largest Film producers in the world. The industry is a significant part of art, the growth is fast. Nonetheless, love for Nollywood movies cuts across many countries, especially on the African continent and amongst Africans in diaspora. It is also not unusual for Nollywood film makers and actors to collaborate with other movie industries or for Nollywood movies to be produced outside Nigeria. Although recently the use of american and British accent is just  so alarming, some even mix up the two while some speak jargon entirely. I don't even know what to call it o, it's so annoying hearing it, someone will now be talking like a frog all in d name of forming accent lolzzzz. See, our vocal cords are done developing and won't change. You'll have a Naija accent for life, which there's nothing wrong with. I see some movies and be like WTF is he/she saying? Where is the director of this job? Especially with the up coming artists, you hear some adding 'th' sound where is not suppose, like i hear one on Africa magic epic, trying to use daughter in a sentence and was sounding daughther with d 'F', i was like wow! what is it? Is not by force. We are Africans, every country have their accents differently, we as Nigerians  have ours, so why fake it? Why the struggle? most of these people have never left the shores of this country yet they want to die put for the accent matter. To me accent faking is a result of not being proud of ones origin and identity. Your accent doesn't matter my dear, as long as you speak correctly and communicate effectively, so I think is high time we adjust and be more natural, cause even the foreigners love hearing our accent, we really don't need to sound like creatures or speak through our nostrils to be able to communicate. E no make any sense nah lol.

NOS: Omg you are just a realist, you know the funny thing is that there are wide speculations that foreigners don't enjoying watching our polish-accent-like movies. You recently celebrated your birthday, care to tell us how it went down?

Chizzy: Lol it was a small get together something jare. Just few friends with my Hubby's friends. We are birthday mates, same date same month, so we celebrate every year together. I'm a very calm and private person and so is my hubby, so it was quiet and private Lol.

NOS: Aww that's amazing. Talking about privacy, would like to tell us about your private life? Let say family wise?

Chizzy: Hehehe what exactly do you want to know?

NOS: Just brief about you and your husband, how he encourages or disapproves of your career.

Chizzy: Well he is my backbone, he has been my strength from day one and he's very supportive. That's all I can say lol.


NOS: Aww so sweet, any regrets so far on your journey?

Chizzy: No regrets at all.

NOS: Tell us the most embarrassing moment in your life as an Actor?

Chizzy: Ok, so there was this day i was supposed to be on set, had already gotten the script, had gone through it and was so eager to start work cause the story was so catchy, I loved the character I was to play and the artist i was to work with. Only for me to come on set and realized I have been de-casted by the director.

NOS: hahahha why? what was his or her reason?

Chizzy: His reasons, i Can't really tell, it's best known to him, lol. that one is between him and God, have forgotten about it though but was so embarrassed that day and felt so humiliated. I left the set without saying a word and saw it not as a disappointment but an encouragement to work hard.

NOS: Argh! that's so brave of you. Wow! Finally, do you have words for your fans and aspiring actors?

Chizzy: Well I really don't have much to say, my candid advice will be just to work hard. Be sure it's really what you want. Do not just dream, get up and pursue your dream. Don't give up. Keep pushing, consistency matters a lot, it might seem like you aren't moving but you are, don't compare your self with any artist, don't copy. carve your own nitch, have your own style, choose a celebrity as a role model, someone that inspires you, leave the rest for God, cause with him, the sky will be your starting point.

NOS: Thank you so much CHIZZY FAITHIA, it's been an awesome experience hosting you, considering your tight schedule.

Chizzy: You are welcome dear. God bless Nollywood On Set team, Thanks

NOS: Amen, it's our pleasure.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's what am talking about, we've got to be proud of our origin at some point. You nailed it girl!

  3. See hypocrite abeg smh

  4. Chizzy faithia3 April 2018 at 07:37

    Don't hide my brave enough when throwing ur yeye challenge, or shut the fuck up & argue with ur keyboard


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