A review from jossy awele diai on her facebook wall:
saw that movie today.  I must not fail to commend the script writer,  the producer,  the director and the actors. But as a professional, I want to critically analyze what I saw. 
First the choice of actors: RMD as Irikefe did a beautiful job and carried his role with the usual aura that situates him as a veteran. He regurgitates that wafarian blood in him and was on top of his role especially in the scenes with his children.  Zack Orji as Timi tried to drop his very serious roles demeanor to fit into the relaxed but comic role of a philanderer. Though he tried but it was tough. The methodical Veteran Victor Olaotan as Tobore couldn't cope with steady pidgin as he was off and on. I have serious issues with the choice of actors but I guess the producer was making a statement with bringing these serious actors to do such a comic but educating piece.  The injection of the jet age way of life,  the social media craze and the random selfies was very humorous. The women,Tina MBA and others were very good at their roles. I still marvel at the assumption that after serving for 35years,  these three retired friends did not have a plan of how to invest the whooping sum of 35m paid each of them as gratuity.  What became a no for me was the lady that ended the movie.  For me it was an anti-climax for her to have appeared in a  very provocative dress and wearing a heavy and elaborate makeover as a messenger of Christ in a soul winning mission.  Of cos no soul would have been won if not for the script that must be followed to the end. The suspense, intrigues and an attempt to sex up the movie was well enacted. It was a beautiful piece as a comedia dellarte was very apt in a recessed economy to. Lighten up the sad mood of the. Masses.
Pls it's a must see for all. The laugh is therapeutic.
#JossyAwele ( A refined thespian).
