Toju Foyeh Clamps Down Hard on Arik Air Line

The renown fashion designer wrote this via her instagram handle @tojufoyeh;
I usually don't do this but I'm PISSED to the MAX!!! This pathetic excuse of an airline @flyarikair needs to be put on blast for the world to know the unprofessional and mediocre service they are operating. My advice is, if you @flyarikair cannot operate a decent service especially on an international flight it is better to CLOSE SHOP, than take our hard earned money in return for out right stupidity, that is THEFT!!!!! Flight for Accra was meant to leave at 7.20, after being treated as hungry refugees and hurried to check in, the unprofessional staff at check in had the audacity to hold on to my ticket and passport until I paid for excess luggage of 6kg!!! I was confused and frustrated, I got to the ticket office only to find out my passport and ticket were being withheld for a mere N6,000!!!! Are you kidding me???? The ticket to Ghana costs N135,000 and you withhold and international passport for about 5% of the cost of a ticket??? Are you that hungry and desperate for cash? If so...CLOSE SHOP
Moving on, finally checked in only to find out the plane wasn't even on what exactly was the fuss about??? After waiting for an hour the plane finally apology...why would they apologise?? After all we are Nigerians right? We don't deserve any form of courtesy??? You take what you get? No Arik...CLOSE SHOP
After arriving in Accra, to my surprise our suitcases did not arrive....please let me explain...NO SUITCASES were boarded on the about 50 passengers and NO SUITCASE on the conveyor belt??? Once apology? Because we are animals right??? Tired and frustrated, we all left the airport on the promise that out suitcases will arrive on the 5pm flight.....can you guess what happened next??????? Our suitcases STILL not here...we are told it MAY be on the next flight or tomorrow morning????? You pathetic @flyarikair still have no form of decency to even apologise or find a solution.
In my opinion your pathetic excuse of an airline @flyarikair needs to SHUT DOWN, you are HIGHLY INCOMPETENT! I don't want an apology just give me my suitcases in ONE PIECE! Will NEVER fly this airline again, in my opinion #boycottarikair
