THERESA DICKSON: passion dragged me into acting

Nollywood actres THERESA DICKSON in an interview with NOLLYWOODONSET expressed how passion dragged her into Nollywood industry, the creative actress whose style of line rendition remains a unique intrigue is carving a notch for her career and the industry. The beautiful accountant turned actress really entertained us and yes she made some revelation (wink)...
NOLLYWOODONSET: Let get to know you more please...
I am Theresa Dickson, I hail from Obubra Local Government Area in Cross River State. I grew up in Kano State. I'm the baby of the house (smiles) a graduate of Accounting from Bayero University Kano. I speak my language, English, Hausa and a bit of French.
Nollywoodonset: Hmm... Okay Amongst all careers of life, why acting?
Acting because I love it, because i can bring to life what is in someone's mind, someone's imagination, someone's story, because i want to keep people entertained, educate them, also learn a lot as an actor, hence adding to their everyday life.
Nollywoodonset: Tell us about your journey thus far in the industry. I mean we have seen alot of new faces but they don't last, what is your driving force?
Eem! That would be my passion and, of course God's divine grace throughout my life career.
Nollywoodonset: Are you saying you are in the industry (Nollywood) for a life career? should we look forward to seeing your thrills (smiles)?
Oh yes. With God on my side, I intend to stay. I am giving it my very best.
Nollywoodonset: You made mention of passion can you be more emphatic?
OK.  I'll firstly quote Steve Jobs "Without passion any rational person would give up" it is passion that make you forget all the stress and pain of yesterday and leave pushing to do even more than you did yesterday and doing it better, it never Let's you quit. "Passion gives life; it makes life meaningful, do it with passion or go home" lol. In the industry, you can tell the ones with passion, there are a few of them.

Nollywoodonset: You said few, does it mean some are not into it (acting) for the passion?
Not really, don't misunderstand me. Our African economic and social-cultural values have compelled people to go in and out of the industry. For example marriages especially for we ladies, better jobs (appointments)  Etc. But then, that is when the passion comes in.
Nollywoodonset: Any challenges so far?
Oh yes... there are challenges in every area of life. Acting or movie industry is no difference. On a general note It's never a smooth sail. But like I said PASSION, It keeps you believing...
Nollywoodonset: Now you have raise our hope, I mean your fans and we @nollywoodonset. What future do you envisage for THERESA DICKSON in the motion picture industry in a year or two?
To be at the very top and have my fans wanting more of me on screen with the best of the bests 😊 with my talent speaking for me always.
Nollywoodonset: That's a good one. Do you consider yourself lucky? Putting into consideration your fast rise in the African cinema?
Nope! I don't consider myself lucky, I consider myself blessed. It's a big deal in this era and I'm glad I'm to be a part of it especially now that the African cinema has a world wide recognition. I pray for the Grace to be able to use my talent to the last drop of it, Amen.
Nollywoodonset: Amen. Any reservation about Nollywood industry? Like fans complain about Nollywood female celebrities been overzealous to hit fame and things they do?
Errrrrm, I don't judge people in anyway. We all have our vices and I think the fans tend to forget sometimes that celebrities are human beings too and maybe expect too much from us or imagine we can never do wrong. But at the same time, it is important to know that as a public figure, a lot of people look up to you therefore, we ought to live exemplary lives.
Nollywoodonset: Any special comment for your fans?
Yes... first of all, I wanna say thank you to them. Then let them know that in whatever they do, it is ok to get tired, to take a break but it's not ok to quit. Focus! Find your wings, learn to fly, only then will you find your way.
Nollywoodonset: Hmm i am inspired already (both laughs). On a serious note your simplicity and humility craves, if I must say. It's been nice chatting with you. Thanks for your time (smiles).
Thank you too. Nollywoodonset is my family so anytime, I am just a call away. (smiles)
