Beauty is said to be in the eyes of the beholder but renowned gorgeous Nollywood actress Ify Adibeli, popularly known as the virgin actress seem to have broken this statement as she gets her fans and prey gulping our their throats.


The widely known as the Hottest Virgin, is currently riding high in the movie industry. She recently joined the leagues of movie producers, having released two short movies in quick succession this year. Including FLASH OF PAIN and PREGNANT NUN.

 Ify Adibeli who rode to fame as the Hottest Virgin in the flick Hottest Virgins turned an adulterous nun in the short film PREGNANT NUN. As talented as she is known to be, Ify delivered a superlative performance worthy of applause as she portrays her vulnerable, delicate and naive beauty, which even in her nun sister-like dress she still gives out sex appeal not only her target character in the movie but also people who watch the movie.

Pregnant Nun is a story of two twin sisters forced into convent by their mother, with their hearts not truly within the walls of the convent. Trouble came calling for them when an injured man becomes their tenant in the convent. Along the line, the sisters found themselves victims to the man’s sexual advances and they soon found themselves pregnant for the same man. What happens next? Your guess is as good as ours.

Adibeli Ify is a native of Delta State, an actress, producer and a fashionista. Watch out for her and be careful not to fall prey of this virgin turned adulterous nun.
Watch PREGNANT NUN free here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qZznbw_j_Sc
